Younger Axl Rose |
Axl Rose is the lead man of Guns N' Roses, a popular band from the 1980s. Guns N' Roses released a myriad of hit singles, most of which are on their incredibly successful album "Appetite for Destruction." After their rise to fame and subsequent drug-induced feuds between band-members Slash and Rose, the band was broken up. Rights to name stayed with Rose, and today the Guns N' Roses band features a line-up of new members (save for Axl Rose, of course).
Older Axl Rose |
Recently, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame attempted to give
Axl Rose and the Guns N' Roses an honorary induction, which is something most rock musicians can only dream of. Rose sent a letter through his spokesperson, claiming that he did not feel respect or welcomed at the ceremonies and would not attend or accept an induction.
It is still to be seen if the rest of the group will attend the awards ceremonies to have themselves inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or if Axl Rose's decision to stay out of it all will have an effect on the rest of their inductions.
Crazy, huh? Well, you can't forget the good ol' days, I suppose, so have some high definition wallpapers of Guns N' Roses (and, of course, Axl Rose). Enjoy!
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nice, i have bee searching for this for a long time ty bro.